The History of Our Name
Meet me at the Well was aptly for the story in John 4 of the New Testament, by our founder Amy Day, before her passing. In the story, Jesus meets an adulterous woman in a Samaritan town at the town well. He spoke to her and offered her the living water and she would never thirst again. This was a very daring and radical thing for Jesus to do because 1) He was a Jew and she was a Samaritan and any good Jew (and even the bad ones) knew not to associate with any Samaritan; 2) He was a Jewish male and she was a woman, good Jewish men did not speak to any woman in public; 3) she was not just a woman but an adulterous woman and no good Jew would be seen anywhere near someone with her reputation. Jesus broke so many rules and boundaries by addressing this woman but He showed that laws and reputations were not as important as reaching out to those who need us. He also showed her that no matter her tainted past she could still come to Him and drink of the living water. We ask those who have had difficult pasts to come and meet us at the well where they can recover and drink of the living water Jesus has offered us all. That is why we are called Meet Me at the Well.
What we are working towards
The greatest fear that keeps many victims in the grips of trafficking is the fear of being homeless. In the next 2-3 years, we will continue to focus on our primary objective of working with community partners to establish a residential program in Delaware with a dedicated and accredited trauma-informed support staff and stable funding. During this process, we will continue to connect with counseling centers, law enforcement, and victim services to serve survivors, as well as expanding our prevention and public awareness efforts.
We Can't Do This Without YOU.
Meet Me at the Well envisions a future where sexual exploitation and trafficking are no longer tolerated by society. Until then we advocate and work to develop opportunities and partnerships to cultivate growth opportunities with and for survivors of human trafficking in Delaware.
We are a team of survivors and allies providing highly individualized support for victims of trafficking through
- H.E.A.L.: one-on-one and group sessions mentorship in Health, Empowerment, Awareness, and Leadership for professional and personal goal setting and achievement
- Amy Day Scholarship: for survivors of sex trafficking
- Outreach: street level outreach to vulnerable people
- Advocacy: provide transportation and advocacy in health and wellness to improve access to quality treatment providers
- Community Outreach: educate the Delaware community about human trafficking
Thank you for being a part of our community!
We are a team of survivors and allies providing highly individualized support for victims of trafficking through
- H.E.A.L.: one-on-one and group sessions mentorship in Health, Empowerment, Awareness, and Leadership for professional and personal goal setting and achievement
- Amy Day Scholarship: for survivors of sex trafficking
- Outreach: street level outreach to vulnerable people
- Advocacy: provide transportation and advocacy in health and wellness to improve access to quality treatment providers
- Community Outreach: educate the Delaware community about human trafficking
Thank you for being a part of our community!
Community Outreach
We provide public awareness and training programs to community and professional groups such as corporate organizations, academic institutions, PTA/PTO, churches, home groups and other groups on what sex trafficking is, how to recognize it, how to prevent it, and what to do if you suspect someone is being trafficked. Through this work, we are actively CHANGING this issue in Delaware! If you would like us to come and speak to your group email us at
Exit Opportunities and Rebuilding
Making connections with survivors where they are. When a survivor is ready to leave the life, we will provide support from the most basic life necessities and help with referrals for permanent housing and employment. The greatest barrier to rebuilding independence is finding stable employment that supports a survivor in their journey of recovery. Because of these fears and barriers, we work on aspects of recovery that can include but are not limited to:
• Self-Care (self-advocacy, emotional and mental health, physical health, and nutrition)
• Life Skills (money management, home care & maintenance)
• Education (GED, college application assistance, financial aid assistance)
• Job Skills (resume writing, interviewing skills, professional wardrobe building)
• Life Skills (money management, home care & maintenance)
• Education (GED, college application assistance, financial aid assistance)
• Job Skills (resume writing, interviewing skills, professional wardrobe building)
Reclaiming Power
The way we work to live our mission and achieve our vision is meeting survivors where they are, providing basic life needs without judgement, is everything we stand for. We advocate for survivors, giving voice to their needs in legislative work. We support survivors in whatever way they choose to practice self-care or spiritual growth. The priority is supporting survivors where they are with no judgement, keeping our focus on empowering survivors and each other, to continue to grow. Most importantly we believe in a survivor's ability to reclaim power over their life so that they are finally able to feel in control of their future.
The Richness of DEI
We value our community and inclusion is a critical part of supporting community. We value inclusion in all of our policies and consider the DEI needs of our client population to be one of our highest priorities in policy-making decisions. Our organization seeks out cross-cultural opportunities to encourage awareness and appreciation of the richness in each of our ethnicities and cultures. We incorporate the values of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion by hiring lived experience experts to consult on programming, inviting survivors to participate in decision-making capacities, and also supporting survivors to inform community level as well as organizational level policies.